What is “Information Technologies”?
Information technology (IT) refers to everything that businesses use computers for. Information technology is building communications networks for a company, safeguarding data and information, creating and administering databases, helping employees troubleshoot problems with their computers or mobile devices, or doing a range of other work to ensure the efficiency and security of business information systems. After accelerating in technological progress in 10950s, selecting computer as “Machine of the Year” in 1983 by Time Magazine is a milestone for history of humanity. Any sector or country cannot be out of the picture of this process. The importance of IT in business life firstly emerged by utilization and prevalence of computer technology in business processes in 1990s.
Especially at the beginnings of the 2000s, it occurred serious developments in information technologies in Turkey. In this sense, adaptation of the individuals to digital economy became much more worthy. Technology information crimes as a result of inadequacy of individuals in technology information affects services negatively. Professional investigation teams have serious responsibilities in these subjects.
The important points in terms of IT audit;
How should be the general methodology during auditing?
Our Services in IT Sector
Developments in IT sector has an enormous effect in auditing. In our times’ audit processes, auditors have many different tools. Audit system using IT tools gain favor in terms of saving on time and consistency in audit organization. As Vizyon, some services that we are providing as a result of huge long-time sectoral experience and practices are the followings: