International Cooperation

MGI Worldwide is a 70-years experienced international entity in which the head office is located in London and as of today, it operates in 102 countries with 455 branches and 9.485 employees.

MGI Worldwide is also a member of prestigious, independent business association called “Forum of Firms” in which there are 30 biggest international associations.

Forum of Firms provides assistance of the highest order in formation, implementation and observation of the auditing standards. Thus, it is an association of international independent entities guaranteeing the success.

MGI Worldwide has a purpose to ensure information assistance and service to its members and its members’ customers at a high level by considering continuous developing standards.

Companies as members of MGI Worldwide are attentive not to have any unsolvable/unanswered problems/questions by sharing their local and global experiences and knowledge.

As a member of this global network with 455 branches in overreaching 100 countries, Vizyon aims to solve/answer the problems/questions of its customers.

Departments of association in global network cooperate with the members of MGI Worldwide by sharing the special conditions, advantages and disadvantages of the countries that they operate in and thus, members can meet the customer demands precisely.

Vizyon is a member of MGI Worldwide